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Saturday 14 January 2017

Frank Ibey Writes on Aspiration of Every Nigerian


Nigeria is blessed with rich land and unlimited human resources, abundant rainfall and reliable vegetation. Since its creation, there has been every need for the Nigerian man to utilize the diverse mineral resources to the betterment of the nation. From time immemorial to the incumbent administration, there has been a routine of propaganda, the mantra of development and growth which each political party recite just to win the heart of the masses. 

This activity is seen as an unfair and unruly characteristic of the political parties we have had over the years. Promises upon promises, unsound statement transforms into valid and sound statement with the aid of deceptive means. Thus, it therefore comes to the notice of every Nigerian, be it man or woman, girl or boy to evaluate political speeches and propaganda to arrive at a more objective and less self-centred one before casting their vote in the distinguished polling unit. Nonetheless, the omission of the phenomenon of deceptive and wordsmith government has become a bothering and baffling case. The average Nigerian man wants more and needs to settle his arising financial needs so the matter of making the right choices during election becomes crucial.
 The current financial crises going on in the country, Nigeria has crippled many small business start-ups and even large ones in the likes of INNOSON VEHICLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. According to, IVM (INNOSON VEHICLE MANUFACTURER) has halted its operation due to the current financial backwardness the country is facing.  The price of goods subsequently has increased drastically and has left the average man wondering if the current situation was somehow related to the change mantra by the current administration. Some Nigerians can no longer afford three square meals and has resorted to a square meal which in turn causes mal nutrition. Poverty rate in the country rocks sky high and unemployment increases promptly as most companies sacks their employees due to lack of funds to pay workers their salaries.
The average man wishes for good living condition, to be financially buoyant and most importantly to be able to provide food to his table but in a situation where all this are deficient, it becomes troubling and heart breaking to bear. WHERE IS THE CHANGE? This question is an inevitable one that runs in the minds of common Nigerians. The streets are crowded with people who either have nothing to do or out searching for how to make a living. The visions and dreams of innovative minds die before reaching the evaluation stage because of lack of finances. As the saying goes “An Hungry Man Is an Angry Man” no one in his or her right mind can think straight in an empty stomach, so what good can come out of an angry man if not aggressive opinion and judgement. WHERE IS THE CHANGE, WHERE IS THE 45 NAIRA FUEL OR THE STEADY POWER SUPPLY OR THE INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT promised by the incumbent administration?


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